Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Robert Pattinson Bores the @#$% out of His Female Fan??

Twilight heartthrob shares a story to U.K. newspaper the Daily Express, recalling that he once took an obsessed female fan of him out for dinner. However, the fan got bored of him and left!

Robert was in Europe filming his soon-to-be-released movie, "," when he had the stalker standing by his apartment "every day for weeks - all day, every day." Feeling "bored and lonely" at one point of time, he then decided to treat the stalker to a dinner date.

In between times they were having their dinner, Robert "just complained about everything in my life" that he made the stalker bored. "She never came back," the actor said. "People get bored of me in, like, two minutes."

Previously, Robert has also told reporters he isn't good "at the whole 'dinner' thing." He said, "I'm a bit of a loner. I'm boring. I stay home, watch TV and eat a lot of fast food. That's really exciting, isn't it?"

Hmm, what do u say, girls?Will YOU get tired of sitting next to Robert in a candle-light dinner situation??:p

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