Monday, February 16, 2009


Ponari, the miracle boy from Jombang, east java, Indonesia is back to doing his usual routine- be a shaman/dukun/witchdoctor!!

The 10 year old kid was believed to be strucked by lightning, and eversince, never been the same boy he used to be.He owns a "magic stone" that he uses to heal his patients coming from all over the country..

What the kid does is dip the "sacred stone" onto the water in containers that the patients bring to his house. The patient will drink the water and will subsequently, be "Healed" from his illness. If the patient can not bring themselves to the place, his family/friend would bring his/her ID card placed in water containers where Ponari would dip his stone onto.

The practice was shut by the local police since there were THOUSANDS of people coming and disrupt the local activities. There were many controversies regarding this since the kid is only 10 years old and already a very busy worker,People are concerned that he doesn't enjoy his childhood and do the usual things that kid his age would do like playing with his friends and having fun.The kid and his dad made a promise to Kak Seto (Prominent figure for child's rights) that he would go back to school and quit his practice.

However, as of today, the kid is back to serving his ever-adoring patients in his hometown..Well, I guess no one can resist the sweet temptation of MONEY!Can you BLAME the kid??

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